Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs

I was having dinner last night when my daughter sent me a text telling me that Steve Jobs had passed away. As the technology coordinator for a school that is dedicated to Apple products and personally, a true fan of Apple technology, it was a sad moment. We all knew he had been fighting cancer for a long time. But I'm not sure we thought it would end so soon.

The vision of this man changed our world. Through Apple and Pixar, he changed how we interact with each other, how we engage in creative pursuits, how we enjoy movies and music, and much more. In fact, I wonder just how many people found out about his death on a device that he created and brought to the world - an iMac, a MacBook, an iPad, an iPhone, or an iPod Touch? No doubt, the products he gave us were the source for this sad news for millions.

And in our school, his vision and his products have made life better for our students. At this moment, our classrooms are using their new iPads in ways that give our students opportunities for skill development, communication, and leisure in ways we've never been able to provide in the past.

While I'm sure Apple will continue to flourish as a company, we've all lost something with the passing of Steve Jobs.

May he rest in peace.

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