Monday, February 7, 2011

Smart Folders Help Organize My Stuff

If you took a peek in my office, you would instantly know that I'm not a great filer. I've got a desk, a table and lots of shelves...and they all have piles on them. To my right are Equipment Acceptance Forms that should be filed. To my left, notes for an upcoming workshop and some information about working with pivot tables in Excel. Both should be filed. And that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Well, the same sort of chaos used to be part of my computing life. I had hundreds of documents...all just filed in a giant folder called Documents. I also had dozens of files all over the desktop that never even made it to that vast Documents black hole. But a few minutes here and there setting up some extra folders and all that has started to take shape.

Smart Folders are tools built into OS X. And what are Smart Folders? Folders that file things for you.

What's that, you say? They file things for me? Yep, pretty much. You can still choose where you tuck a file - even that giant Documents folder. But when you want to find it later, you'll get access to it via a Smart Folder that has already organized things for you.

The trick is in setting up the folders correctly - not a difficult thing to do. And yes, you can have as many of them as you want or need.

So how is all this magic done? Rather than trying to spell it out for you, I'm going to send you here. This article will walk you step-by-step through setting up a Smart Folder.  If you give it a try and it doesn't seem to work, let me know. I'll be happy to help!

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